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A 14-day study
Follow the instructions for each day below. Do not use a commentary unless instructed. In this study you will look at prayers prayed by Mary, Simeon, Hannah, Paul, Jesus, David and Moses.
Day 1 Read Luke 1 – What do you glean from Mary’s prayer (v. 46-55 – known as the “Magnificat”)? What do you think Mary is thinking & feeling? What do you notice about her character? What does God reveal about Himself?
Day 2 Read Luke 2 – Describe the setting(s) – time and place – of this story. Who are the characters? What is (are) the conflict(s)? How is conflict resolved? What do you notice about Simeon’s prayer in v 29-32? What do you note about Simeon’s character? What does God reveal about Himself?
Day 3 Read Luke 1 in a different version. Do you notice anything in the 2nd version that you did not notice in the first?
Day 4 Read Luke 2 in a different version. Do you notice anything in the 2nd version that you did not notice in the first? After answering today’s question, you may read commentary on chapters 1 & 2. What do you learn from the commentary that you did not glean from your own reading?
Day 5 Read Hannah’s prayer in 1 Samuel 2:1-11. What do you notice about Hannah’s priorities? What does God reveal to her about Himself? What does He reveal to you about Himself? After answering today’s questions, you may read commentary on this passage. What do you learn from the commentary that you did not glean from your own reading?
Day 6 Read about how Paul prayed for God’s people in Ephesians 1:15-23 and 3:14-21 and Colossians 1:9-14. What do you notice about what Paul prays for? What seems to be a reoccurring theme of his prayers?
Day 7 Re-read Paul’s prayers in Eph & Col (see Day 6). Personalize one of these prayers by paraphrasing it on an index card that you can pray for your loved ones every day then you may read commentary on this text.
Day 8 Read John chapter 17. What stands out to you from Jesus’ prayer? In verses 3-19, Jesus keeps referring to “they” and “them.” How does verse 2 answer the question, “Who is ‘they’ and ‘them’? In verse 20 “these only” refers back to the “they” and “them” of verses 3-19. Who are the “those” spoken of in verse 20? Who are the “they” and “them” spoken of in verses 21-26? Is it different than the “they” and “them of verses 3-19?
Day 9 Read John 17 in a different version. Do you gain any new insight? If so, what? List everything Jesus asks His Father for in His prayer as He prays for “they” and “them.” Be sure to list the verse beside each item in your list to support your answers.
What did Christ’s prayer teach you about your own prayer life? Is there anything you plan to change about your prayer life as a result of how Jesus prayed? After answering the questions, you may read commentary on this chapter. What insights do you glean from the commentary?
Day 10 Read 2 Samuel 7. What did David want to do? Notice that verse 4 begins with the word “but.” What does that word “but” imply? What did God have to say about what David wanted to do? How did God communicate this to David? After Nathan gave God’s message to David, what was the first thing David did (v 18)? What do you notice about David’s prayer in verses 18 – 29?
Day 11 Read 2 Samuel chapter 7 in a different version. Do you gain any new insights from the second reading? You may now read commentary on this chapter. What insights do you glean from the commentary?
Day 12 Read Moses’ prayer in Exodus 15:1-18 and Miriam’s prayer in verse 21. What is the theme of these prayers? How do your personal prayers compare to these?
Day 13 Read Exodus 15:1-18 as your own personal prayer to God.
Day 14 Re-Read any of the Scripture passages above on prayer. Write your own prayer including something you’ve learned about prayer from this study. You may now read commentary on any of the above passages.